Friday, November 11, 2011

There is an art . . . to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss!

Yesterday Sven decided to go over his safety procedures in the Cessna and I went along for the ride. I wanted to share these pictures with you as I was amazed at how much the water levels have gone down recently and it shows just how dry it is here at the moment! We eagerly await the rain and respite from this draining heat...

The floodplains still have water but a much decreased amount. However, where there was water is perfect grazing land for the wildlife.

This shot shows the incredible contrast between the vegetation away from the river and around the old floodplains that were recently covered in a substantial amount of water.

One of the pans near the airstrip that hasnt seen a drop of water in quite a while.

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